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Improving team dynamics

Length: 1 hour as a team


Team dynamics can make or break a team. 


Teams can be great places to work and a source of professional fulfilment and wellbeing. They can give us a valued role, provide inspiration and learning, and be a cause for celebration. Supportive and friendly colleagues can increase our enjoyment and our resilience.


But teams can get into habits that drain our energy and make us less effective.


Teams thrive when:


  • People listen well and speak constructively

  • Everyone can contribute - discussions are not dominated by the same people

  • People feel free to disagree

  • Everything that needs to be discussed is discussed

  • Decisions are based on evidence, not power


Run through this checklist with the team to see if you need to make any changes to the way your team meetings run:


  1. If you have team ground rules, review how well they have been followed. How can you improve?

  2. If you don’t yet have an agreed set of team ground rules:

    1. Review who contributed most, and who least, to the meeting. Is that always the same? How might that be improved?

    2. Is everything that needs to be talked about actually getting talked about?

    3. Ask how well real data is used in the discussions. How could that be improved?

    4. Review how much discussion there was of alternative options before any decisions were made. How might that be improved?


In either case, what improvements do you need to make?


You can find out more about agreeing a set of ground rules for the team here, and see some typical ground rules that teams adopt.

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